
HAPPY SPACE in the classroom

Environment is a third teacher for young children.What makes a preschool classroom an efficient place for learning and growth? First of all, it should be a pla ce where children feel safe and well cared for. Secondly, it should be a venue where the individuality of each child is given importance, and where they are given adequate attention, affection, and approval. Lastly, a preschool classroom should be able to assist children to attain the foundation they need for academic excellenceYoung children learn best in an early childhood environment that is appropriate for their age and stage of development. As a pre-school teacher, we need to know how to enrichment the environment that around the children.

  • Young children benefit from a consistent routine or daily schedule in the early childhood classroom.
  • Young children learn best when the school develops a sense of community for all participants.
  • Young children function best in early childhood programs that value and reinforce continuity.
  • Young children benefit from early childhood programs that provide a careful transition from preschool to kindergarten and from kindergarten to the primary grades.
  • Young children learn best when they are with teachers who consider them and respond to them as individuals.

